Personal Growth

Feeling “Wonky” too?

By August 15, 2012 7 Comments

Note: I define “Wonky” as feeling “off”; experiencing rapid  and unusual shifts in  mood and energy levels.

I’ve been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster for the past 24 hours or so. It started about 4:30 pm yesterday.
I was having a great day. I had had sessions with 3 different clients in the morning. They are all making great progress in their journey of creating a life that is joyful and meaningful for them and had lots of miracles to celebrate. Yay! (I LOVE what I do!) 
My last client reported that he had had an emotional meltdown that morning and his day felt like it was going from bad to worse! He was feeling like WTF? because he had been feeling so great the week before. Everything had been going so well! I helped him to see exactly what was right about all that was happening and he got to receive the “gifts” that were there for him. We identified a few limiting beliefs that were creating the negative feelings and by the end of the session all was well with his world again.
I fixed myself a nice lunch and relaxed and watched a bit of hgtv (one of my favorite ways to goof off and relax). I was scheduled to attend a local networking meeting at 5:30 pm. Around 4:30 I started to feel my mood begin to dip. I wondered “Why am I feeling like this?”. I became aware of a resistance building within me to going to the networking meeting and then the negative self talk began: “what’s the point of going to this thing?You never really get any business from going to them.” ” It’s such a waste of time”. I  honored all that my doubter had to say (after all it is an important member of my “team”, showing me my limiting beliefs and obstacles) then whipped out my 30 second “elevator pitch” that my messaging coach wanted me to test on this group. I felt my energy dip even further as my doubter chattered on: “what a load of croc! That’s so tame. Nobody’s  gonna buy that!”. I know that my doubter is just trying to protect me from all the things I fear, so I started to tap.
(EFT tapping or meridian tapping is a technique involving tapping on certain acupuncture points on the body. It is very effective in managing the energetic and emotional responses in the body, bringing you back to a state of calm, where we make our best decisions from).

“Even though I really don’t want to go to this meeting, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I’m afraid they will reject me, I love and accept myself anyway”… Fear can wreak havoc in our bodies. The thoughts we have create a physiological response. Fear causes us to contract, constrict, resist, freeze, shut down, go numb – essentially what this does is to slow or stop the flow of energy. Sometimes we inadvertently get stuck there, prolonging the state of misery.   It is our instinctive reaction to resist what feels bad instead of just observing it and acknowledging it as it passes through. If you can find a way to keep the energy moving you will pass through this state and get to a place of relief. This is where a technique like EFT can be really useful.

After a couple rounds of tapping, I felt calm and got dressed to go to the meeting. As a got into the car the anxiety returned with a vengeance. I stopped to give my 13 year old some money as he was going out with friends and found myself asking him “honey, I’m good at what I do right?”. He sincerely replied “Mom, you are so good at what you do! Your clients love you! You don’t have to go to this meeting if you don’t want to! “. He was right, I did have a choice. I made the choice to feel the fear and do it anyway. I used the EFT to help me manage my fear. I tapped while I drove to the meeting and was relaxed and open by the time I got there. It all went well. (I didn’t even get to try out my pitch as they had us interview then introduce the person beside us!) I left the meeting feeling good. I even told the organizer I was planning to join.
On the drive home my energy and mood started to dive again and I was completely depressed by the time I got home! WTF!

I didn’t understand! What happened? I was feeling so good! What’s going on here? After a chat with my husband and a nice glass of wine, I realized that, while networking events might be the way most people in my industry grow their businesses, it’s not my way. It doesn’t feel natural to me and I’m just going to honor that. I’ve never really done things the “usual” way anyway. I’ve learned to trust my internal guidance system and if I keep taking inspired action it will lead me to everything I’ve ever wanted.

So this morning I get up and my emotions are still all over the place. I spoke to my best friend and she’s been having the same experience since yesterday. I think back on my client who was having that experience too and that at the meeting last night several women were commenting that their day yesterday was “one of those days”, when everything just seems to be extra challenging.
I remember that during times of great energetic shifts on the planet, things can feel crazy, especially for those of us who are particularly in tune and sensitive. Through experience I’ve learned that these are the times when we really just need to let go and do what feels good to you in that moment. Read a book, have a glass of wine, help a friend in need, snuggle with your spouse or pet. Let go, it will pass more quickly.

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