Are you ready to Jumpstart YOUR Dream Life?
How would your life be different if you had the
Clarity, Courage and Confidence
to go for the things you really want?
What would you attempt if you knew you couldn’t fail?
Do you ever catch yourself thinking “I WISH… my life could be different, …I had a great relationship, a new job, house, car, more money” etc. ? Do you find yourself unable to sustain your focus in getting a project done? Do you have a lifelong dream that you have no idea how to accomplish? Do you find yourself feeling burned out and dispassionate about your life? Are you at a crossroads and not sure what your next steps should be? Have you put your dreams on hold to support a child, spouse, parent or friend? Have you lost hope that what you want is even possible?
You aren’t alone. I used to spend a lot of time and energy being down, depressed or feeling less than inspired in my life, all because I believed that I couldn’t “have my cake and eat it too”! Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t all bad. There were many high points and successes, yet I found myself cycling through periods of struggle and depression. No matter what I accomplished, there was always a yearning for something more! I often wondered what was wrong with me? Comparing myself with others and wondering “Why couldnt I just be happy with what I have? Or I would feel resentful and jealous of how easy other peoples lives seemed.
What I didn’t realize at the time was that these inner desires, longings, yearnings and curiosity’s were inner guidance from my soul. A “calling forth” to my more expanded evolved self. Often we begin this life being taught who we should be, instead of being encouraged to discover who we truly are. What we want, what we like. What are your unique gifts? Who are you passionate about being? We often get caught up in trying to achieve a vision of success that has been handed to us and may not necessarily be aligned with our higher calling and life purpose which inevitably leads to a feeling of being disconnected or out of balance, a sense that something is missing, burnout, or lack of passion and vitality. If you are trying to achieve a goal based on someone else’s dream or purpose, you will not be successful.
This Dream Coaching Process is a container for doing the inner exploration that can save you a lot of time, effort, money and struggle! Taking the time and space for listening to the internal guidance and uncovering your true passion, mission and desires, is the most important work you will ever do. The gift is a life of joy, fulfillment and abundance. I heard that Dreams do come true and I had made a few happen, but it was more of a fluke than anything else. I did not know that there was a simple step by step process to bringing a thought, idea, vision to life. It is a creative process, bringing the formless into form.
In being true to yourself, and living joyfully as the highest expression of yourself, YOU make a powerful contribution to the planet!
No more wasting time, energy and money “climbing the wrong tree” or taking “detours”!
This program is designed to help you:
- Figure out what you really want and what’s important to you and have the courage and confidence to go for it!
- Get crystal clear about YOUR unique purpose, and gifts
- Awaken your dreamer within and ignite your passion (Open up to new possibilities)
- Learn how to overcome doubts and fears so they no longer sabotage you
- Develop practical strategies and specific action steps that are aligned, and in integrity, with your soul
- Create your own ‘Dream Team’ to support you and access resources from
How much longer will you deny yourself, settle and make excuses?
It’s time to Jumpstart Your Dream Life and Join the 10 Week Revolution Today!
I’ve helped many people just like you to become aware of, and release, the mindsets and beliefs that cause us to stop our dreams in their tracks.
Here is what can happen for you:
- Stop holding yourself back and really take a quantum leap in your life and your business
- Develop personal practices that support you in maintaining balance and focus
- Gain the clarity and confidence to go for your dreams
- Be able to communicate confidently and clearly what you want – so you get it!
- Accomplish your goals with greater ease and joy
- Identify the doubts and fears that have been keeping your struggling or stuck
- Feel more alive and engaged in your life
Are you ready to break through?
My Jumpstart Your Dreams 10 Week Intensive is the unstoppable force that will work with YOUR world and bring YOUR visions to life.
Here’s how the 10 Week Transformation works:
Each Tuesday, we will have a 60 minute “Teaching call” where I will introduce the information and concepts we will be working with that week and give your assignments you will be working on that week.
Each Thursday, we will have a 60 min “Q & A” call where you will be able to ask questions or get laser coaching on any challenges you are facing that week.
There is also a private, online group forum where you can post your challenges or breakthroughs and interact with the other members of the group.
- 10 Weekly calls (One Teaching call and one Q & A call)
- One Private, Exclusive 1 on 1 “Bust through your blocks’ Call with Helen
- Your Dream Life Workbook that guides you to your Dream Life
- Online group forum where you connect to people transforming their lives as you do the same
What is the value of being crystal clear about what you want? Loving your life? Having a handle on your doubts and fears? Confidently going after your dreams? Feeling passionate about your life? Improving your relationships? Feeling comfortable in your skin? Knowing you can handle whatever challenges life throws at you with ease and grace? Having tools to manage your stress? Knowing you are fulfilling your purpose for being here on the planet? Being able to comfortably say no to the things that are not meaningful to you – without guilt? Feeling the sense of accomplishment and pride that comes with achieving a lifelong dream? Connecting with a group of like minded people who are on the same path?
(Priceless! I know) and for a limited time you can Jumpstart Your Dream Life for $997 ( 3 monthly payments of $333)

Here are some of the people, just like you, that have already made the jump…
The next 10 Week Intensive Program starts on January 15th, 2013
For you, for a LIMITED Time it’s just $997! (Normally valued at $1497)
and to make it a complete “no brainer” you can break it up into 3 monthly payments of $333