with Master Coach and Intuitive Healer, Helen Macmillan
Most of my life I’ve longed to be free.
When I was a child. I longed for the freedom to make my own decisions. To come and go as I please. To buy the things I wanted. To have control over how I spent my time.
As an employee. I longed to have the freedom to make my own hours. Decide how much I earned. Choose who I spend my days with.
As an entrepreneur. I longed to make tons of money doing what I love. To have the freedom to work with only clients I choose to work with. Hire amazing support staff. Take amazing vacations several times a year. Work when I want. Not to have to market myself – just have ideal clients show up like magic!
As I woman. I longed to have the freedom to attract my perfect life partner. Have mind blowing orgasms. Every. Single. Time. Love myself unconditionally. Feel comfortable in my skin – no matter what is happening or who I was with. Value my opinion. Know my worth. See myself as God does.
Here’s the upside of having that longing (desire) for freedom: It kept me seeking and trying to create it. It kept my on a path of exploration and discovery.
Here’s the downside: We only long for (want) what we perceive we do not have.
I realized that in order to HAVE all I desired, I had to make a SHIFT. I had to release the longing (wanting) so I could start having (experiencing).
I had to figure out HOW to step into the receiving, having, being all that I am and already possess – while my brain, eyes, ears, bank account are telling me otherwise!
Needless to say, this has been a process! AND, as I look at that list above, I am happy to say that I HAVE those things today.
So how did I do it?
The clues lie in the lyrics of a song by the famous Jamaican singer and musician, Bob Marley …“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind”…
I have come to realize that I am a modern day emancipator. I have been (and continue to be) on my own journey of emancipation and I help others to do the same.
I help my clients free themselves from the learned patterns of limitation and lack; to break free from the bondage of inherited belief systems and the unconscious choices that cause them to recreate experiences of disconnection, suffering, loss, scarcity, struggle, pain, discontent and disease.
I get to have the most fascinating experiences with my clients. The best part is that we are aware that as we free ourselves, as we break these patterns that have been handed down to us, we are creating a new legacy fro ourselves and our children. We are creating a new earth.