Whether you know it or not, you’re at a critical decision point…
And what you decide will CREATE YOUR FUTURE.
The only question is what future will you create?
Will you choose the option that puts you in the driver’s seat of your life and creates the future you know you truly desire to live?
OR will you choose to go along for a ride where someone else calls the shots for you, and you get what you get?
In case you’re wondering… NO, avoiding the decision is NOT AN OPTION. Even if you don’t think you’re deciding, you are.
Fortunately, your choices are simple. AND, what you choose impacts EVERYTHING.
Here’s option 1 – To Live Your Life giving your power away to people and circumstances outside of yourself.
We give our power away to others because somewhere inside we believe they are more qualified to choose for us. We usually do it without realizing that we’re doing it.
I call this ‘Living from the Greater Power Illusion’. When we do that, we always have someone or something to blame for not getting what we want.
We run around trying to please others and avoid breaking the rules. We don’t rock the boat because of who might be upset or what they’ll think about us.
From the Greater Power Illusion our best efforts always leave us frustrated and unfulfilled.
Here’s option 2 – To Live knowing You Are the Greatest Power in Your Life
This has nothing to do with egomania and everything to do with OWNING THE POWER YOU HAVE to create what you want. It’s escaping the traps of shaming, blaming, excuses, and judgments that keep you chained to the reality that you do not desire (and in a state of powerlessness!)
This is the path of authenticity, and it’s the only thing that can give you back your freedom. The precious sense of freedom that evaporates every time you let someone else take charge of your life and decisions.
This is the only choice that will bring you the joy, freedom and success you are desiring.
So, it’s up to you…
Will you choose to own your power and live your greater destiny? Or will you continue playing the no-win game of the Greater Power Illusion?
If you choose to remain trapped in the Greater Power Illusion, I can’t help you. Thanks for your time.