Weekend Soul Retreat (Jamaica)

June 2018

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Is your Soul calling for a little play time?
For you to step away from your busy life and reconnect with yourself and nature?
To decompress; release what is no longer serving you and open to new possibilities?
Pause, check in with your soul and seek its guidance?
Take stock of where you are and where you are headed?

This 2 1/2 day retreat provides you with the opportunity to do all that ….and more!

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Sometimes just stepping away, into a different environment is enough to change your perspective. Add to that a powerful intention to tap into the energies of 2018 in the magical mountains of Jamaica with me and who knows what else is possible?

Your investment in yourself sends a powerful message to the Universe about your value and what matters to you. Taking time to reconnect and renew your relationship with yourself – body, mind and soul – powerfully impacts every area of your life!

Helen MacMillan is, A

success coach, healer, author and international speaker helping women awaken their greater personal and earning power. 

She is the Founder and CEO of Awaken & Soar, and creator of the program, ‘Shift into Your Million Dollar Zone’ which helps clients to identify 

and breakthrough conditioned mindsets to facilitate a quantum leap in their life and business.Using her strong intuitive abilities, Helen helps her

clients to identify and clear the unconscious patterns (mental, emotional and physical) that are the barriers to greater personal and financial success. 

An avid traveler, singer and zumba enthusiast, Helen also loves game shows – and to this day, still can’t decide which is her favorite. 

Imagine... Morning walks and yoga, freshly prepared island food. Guided meditations and soul exploration. Dancing from the Heart and a glass of wine by the fire at night (you do know that red wine is soul food right?) 🙂 and returning to your life feeling rejuvenated, centered and clear.

If the thought of this excites you… Contact me below and I’ll send you the registration form and all the details!

Yes! I’m excited! Send me the Registration Form and Details!