I’m here in California snuggling with my 3 month old grand daughter, Emilia. As I sink my nose into her neck, deeply inhaling that oh-so-sweet baby smell, I am deeply grateful to finally hold her in my arms. My heart is filled with joy!
It was a 5 hour plane ride to get here. Traveling in the “time of Covid” is quite an adventure.
Like every great adventure: It involves taking risks; opening yourself up to new experiences and possibilities, and investing your time, energy and money. There are inevitable “plot twists” and the outcome is never guaranteed!
So how do you know which risks to take? Which adventures to go on? It’s simpler than you might think:
Follow your joy.
What makes that not so easy is – following your joy requires listening to your heart, and the wisdom of the heart is often hard to hear in the midst of doubt and fear fueled by uncertainty and lack of control – the kind we are experiencing globally due to the pandemic.
I was experiencing my own version of what I have coined as the “Covid slump”: Feeling somewhat ‘untethered’, aimless, without a clear sense of direction or purpose. Clients have described it as a ‘floating sensation’ of waiting – for nothing in particular.
I realized that I, like so may others in the world, was waiting to see how this would “all pan out”. Since early March I had been “doing my part” staying home, being responsible, wearing my mask in public and waiting to be told what to do next.
Like a true rebel, waiting indefinitely for someone else to tell me what to do and when to do it, doesn’t work for me. Lol! So, in July I deliberately went within myself to find my own sense of direction and how I wanted to connect with others in this “new world”.
I revisited my purpose, re-evaluated what is meaningful to me now, what I desire now, what is fulfilling now, who and what truly matters, now. It has led to clarity and connection with my “Next Level” both personally and for my business. It’s an exciting time.
And, I’m not doing it alone. I have a powerful support team of trusted advisors in the form of my coaches, employees, consultants, family and friends. They ask me powerful questions, hold safe space for me to express my truth and get a different perspective on things. They help me see possibilities I would not have considered otherwise.
It’s what we do for our clients and we would love to do that for you.
This is one of the opportunities our SHIFT Breakthrough Intensive provides.
It’s a safe space to explore, release, receive, expand, discover, connect and renew. To SHIFT your mindset, your perspective, your energy, your focus – and access the clarity, courage and confidence to create your NEXT LEVEL of power, purpose, joy and freedom.
A little over a week ago, Matthew asked me a powerful question as we were creating the new content for the October Shift Breakthrough Intensive: “Where have you said NO to something that would bring you joy lately?”. The answer came to me instantaneously “Going to California to meet my granddaughter in person and hold her in my arms”.
For months I have been delaying the trip due to Covid concerns, not wanting to risk exposing ourselves, and ultimately her, to catching it if we spent 5 hrs on a plane and moved through crowded airports. So, I had been waiting. For the “right” time. For Covid to “end”.
My son and daughter in law did not have that fear. They had said “come anytime”. I decided to “follow my joy” and booked the trip the next day after asking my youngest son and my husband if they wanted to come. (It’s was a resounding YES!).
That’s the thing about a great question, it opens up your awareness, it expands your consciousness and creates the opportunity for you to create new and different possibilities. Notice I said OPPORTUNITY.
If you do not ACT on your insights, nothing changes.
I took action by:
1. Having a conversation with my husband and younger son to see if they wanted to join me.
2. Calling my son to let him know we’d be coming to visit.
3. Booking the airline tickets.
4. Rearranging my schedule for the week I’d be away. 5. Making arrangements to board our dog Sadie.
I have not even been here for 24 hrs yet and here are some of the results I am seeing:
- Quality connection time (on the loooong flight) chatting and playing games with my youngest son who returns to college in London a few days after we get back.
- New creative energy from being in a different space and place. I got up this morning with fresh ideas and eager to write.
- A shift in my energy. My son and his wife have created a beautiful, peaceful home and we all remarked how deeply relaxed we felt yesterday afternoon after just one day here.
- Up-leveling my internal levels of joy!
And to think, all this would not have happened if I hadn’t been engaged in the very process that we take our clients through.
Is there an internal knowing that you are ready for your next level of inspiration, growth, expansion, or success? (however YOU define it)
If there is, we would love to chat with you.
You’ll thank yourself for it.