
Wielding Her Power

She’s been waiting all day.

They need another CT Scan to determine the cause of her difficulty breathing.

It’s tiring. Waiting… Struggling to breathe…The pain and discomfort.

When it’s finally her turn, she says “No. I’m too tired. Too uncomfortable. In too much pain. Take me back to my room”.

“We’ll try again tomorrow”, they say.

Tomorrow is a no go too.

The next day they successfully accomplish their goal.

And then she informs them: “No more. No more tests. No more investigations. I want to go home. I want to see my family. I want to touch them and be around them and be held by them”.

When I hear this, I smile.

She is standing in her sovereign power.

In spite of her fear.

In spite of the cancer ravaging her body.

She is standing in her power to DECIDE. To CHOOSE.

What SHE wants.

She is TRUSTING herself.

She is EXPRESSING her truth. Unapologetically. With strength and conviction.

Even as she gasps for air. Even though her body is failing.

She is wielding her sovereign power.

When we do this, people respond. We get what we want.

The Universe literally rearranges itself to accommodate our desires.

Everything falls into place quickly and easily. Magically.

I smile as I see her joy in being home. In being surrounded by her family and friends.

In HAVING what she truly wants.

She didn’t have to compromise. She is having it her way.

I am grateful she did the inner work to get here. I grateful to have been part of her journey in doing that.

What about you?

What’s your relationship with your power?

Are you giving it away?

Do you fear it and so unconsciously disconnect from it?

Do you embrace it? Stand in it? Embody it? Wield it?

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