
Self Care

Why You Are Stuck (and what to do about it)

By Business Growth, Personal Growth, Self Care No Comments

“I feel so stuck!” “I know what I need to do and I’m just not doing it. I find myself procrastinating and I’m freaking out because I’ve so much to do and I’m just not taking action. I’m not making enough money in my business. I’m so disgusted with myself!” Sound familiar? I hear these statements all the time. I’ve said them myself. Then there are those times we don’t even realize that we are stuck. We are busy. Very busy….

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How do you handle a crisis?

By Personal Growth, Self Care No Comments

Last Saturday night my husband and I got one of those dreaded calls in the middle of the night that left us reeling. Our sweet, beautiful 16yr old had been arrested … Our initial reaction was one of shock and disbelief. “huh? what?!!” It had a surreal quality of being in a nightmare you can’t wake up from. We stumbled through the rest of the night and most of Sunday experiencing wave after wave of emotional overwhelm… shock, shame, relief,…

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3 Tips For Handling Your “Perfect Storm”

By Business Growth, Personal Growth, Self Care One Comment

There’s been some huge shifting going on recently on the planet. Can you feel it? I’m not much of an astrology buff, but I have some pretty cool friends who are and I’ve been reliably informed that the planet Mercury has been in retrograde since January 21st. When this happens it’s an opportunity for clearing old patterns and stuff comes up to be healed and released. This can look like the sh#t hitting the fan! 🙁 In the last 3…

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Do You Have An Easy Button?

By Business Growth, Personal Growth, Self Care 2 Comments

Last Friday morning I had a meltdown. I was feeling completely overwhelmed. I had so much to do, I didn’t know where to begin. I had major decisions to make on several fronts, both personally and professionally, and deadlines to meet that day. In my state of overwhelm I couldn’t decide what to do first and so I simply shut down! Can you relate? I sent an “SOS” email to my coach who, thankfully, was able to call me right…

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My Christmas Miracle

By Personal Growth, Self Care 2 Comments

In November I went to the gynecologist as I was having some abnormal bleeding. She ordered some tests including an ultrasound which showed a mass in my uterus (approx 2.5cm x 4.5 cm). She had also discovered a polyp on my cervix and scheduled a hysteroscopy (a procedure where they look into the uterus and take some tissue to do a biopsy to test the tissue for cancer). The procedure was scheduled for the afternoon of December 10th. I was…

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The Power of Un-Learning

By Personal Growth, Self Care No Comments

I just led another amazing group of women through my ‘shift into your million dollar zone’ workshop last Saturday. We had so much fun, no one wanted to leave! Many of them expressed having had some anxiety coming into the workshop as they did not know what to expect. In the end, everyone left lighter, more energized and more courageous than before, with tools under their belt to manage their thoughts and emotions and keep them moving forward through life’s…

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A Shift Begins With Awareness

By Personal Growth, Self Care No Comments

I noticed for the last few days I’ve been feeling a little harried and miserable. This morning, as I emerged from the fog of sleep my first awareness was a nagging, grumbling feeling in the center of my chest. A heaviness of discontent. I tune in and give it my undivided attention, curious as to what’s going on. I realize I have not had my quiet time. My time to simply be. Things have been moving so fast. I’ve been…

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The Power of Self Love

By Personal Growth, Self Care No Comments

The most important love relationship in your life is the one you have with yourself. The relationship with yourself is primary. It informs and influences all the other relationships in your life: with your spouse, friends, children, career, clients, money… Here’s how it works: The world is just a great big mirror reflecting you back to yourself. Your beliefs, abundance, joys, sorrows. It makes perfect sense doesn’t it? How else can you see yourself but in a mirror? So the…

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5 Keys To Stress Relief

By Personal Growth, Self Care No Comments

Do you remember the last time you got caught up in a situation that pissed you off or made you so fearful that it completely dismantled your ability to respond in a constructive way? Sometimes it can feel like you didn’t really have a choice in how you responded, it “just happened”. If you’d like to have a more conscious choice in how you respond to stressful events in your life, keep reading… Imagine this common scenario: You’ve had a…

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The Power of Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

By Personal Growth, Self Care No Comments

Last week I was in NYC with my business coach and our mastermind group. Every 3 months we get together to connect, share, learn and grow our businesses and ourselves. (As one of my mentors says “you’ll only ever grow your business as big as you grow yourself because your business is a reflection of you”). We spend 2 1/2 days shining the light of awareness on the areas of our businesses that are working (and celebrating) as well as…

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