
Personal Growth

The Power of “No” To Simplify Your Life

By Personal Growth, Self Care No Comments

There are a million ways to say no. Being able to say no in a direct, comfortable, empowered way is one of the most important tools in to simplifying your life. Discomfort with saying no causes many people to not speak their truth, say yes when they really want to say no, or avoid communicating about something altogether! This is a very disempowered way of saying no, creates unnecessary complications and often takes us out of integrity. One of the…

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Time Moving Too Fast?

By Personal Growth, Self Care 3 Comments

I’ve noticed that the older I get, the faster time seems to pass! Why is that? And even more importantly, how can we slow it down? Well, I just read a fascinating piece that shares how we can manipulate our lives to slow down the experience of time passing. (Ready for some magic and miracles?!!) Neuroscientist David Eagleman studied the matter and found that the sense of time passing is dictated by how much information you’re processing. The more “new”…

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Are You Willing to Honor the Guidance You are Receiving?

By Personal Growth, Self Care No Comments

Can you believe its October already? I have no idea where the summer went! It seems it was just the end of July! I had minor surgery at the end of July to remove a lipoma (fatty growth) from my upper arm. I had it removed almost 20 years ago and it grew back. I decided to get it removed again after a serendipitous conversation with a friend who works in the radiation department at a local hospital. She mentioned…

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The Art of Receiving

By Personal Growth, Self Care No Comments

We live in a world where many people are struggling to make ends meet. The perception of not enough is constantly reenforced. We tell ourselves we don’t have enough … time, money, sleep, love etc. It’s interesting, because when we are so focused on lack (not enough) we are unable to perceive, receive and enjoy the abundance that we actually DO have! We walk around closed off, completely unaware of  how we block the abundance that is here for us….

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How to Have A Million Dollar Life

By Business Growth, Personal Growth, Self Care One Comment

I consider a ‘Million Dollar Life’ to be one where you not only have the money to live where and how you are comfortable and fund the activities you enjoy, but to have a level of joy and contentment with who you are and what you have. To have a sense of peace within yourself. In order to have a happy life, you have to include the things that make you happy. In order to have a life of passion…

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What does ‘wealth’ mean to you?

By Business Growth, Personal Growth, Self Care No Comments

I had an interesting conversation with one of my clients the other day. I asked her if she had decided whether or not she was going to come to my Reconnection and Renewal Retreat in the Cayman Islands in October. She said “I’ve decided not to”. I said “Ok. Do you mind sharing with me why not? (I was curious as when I had originally started planning it she had been excited by the idea). She went on to explain…

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Getting Off The Emotional Roller Coaster

By Business Growth, Personal Growth, Self Care 2 Comments

Growing up I was often told I was being “too emotional”.  In response to my emotional outbursts my mother would tell me, “All of life is in your mind!”, which I interpreted at the time as “get a hold of yourself and snap out of it”. Unable to understand the profound truth in that statement, I simply felt dismissed, unheard and misunderstood (as many teenagers are apt to do). But, like so much else else, her words were stored in…

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Whats Your Story?

By Personal Growth No Comments

“The stories you tell yourself, and live by, determine your life experience” ~ Unknown Everyone has a story. Actually, we have many stories. We are constantly telling ourselves different stories and creating the story of our life. What is yours? Is your story a rags to riches story? A victim story? A sad story? A hero/heroines journey? Our lives are often a series of stories that we tell ourselves. I catch myself telling myself stories all the time. One of…

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The Cure For Procrastination

By Business Growth, Personal Growth 4 Comments

“Procrastination is the biggest thief of time” I don’t know who said that (other than my Mother who said it to me … a lot!) 🙂 For many years I was plagued by procrastination and that saying would ring in my head like a loud (and annoying) church bell when you’re trying to sleep in on a sunday morning! It was a real problem for me, holding me back from achieving my goals and creating discomfort with myself. It was fodder…

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Practicing What You Preach

By Business Growth, Personal Growth, Self Care 4 Comments

Last week I had a lot of opportunities to ‘practice what I preach’. In the past I would have said something like “wow! I had such a sh**ty week!” (This is what we coaches call a reframe) 🙂 I’ll give you a couple of examples: I was buying something in Miami airport and my credit card was declined. I know that had to be a mistake, so I said “impossible! Run it again”. (It was declined again) 🙂 I felt…

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