
Personal Growth

Small changes. Big Difference.

By Personal Growth 14 Comments

I am passionate about life. Not just existing, going through the motions each day, but truly living. Waking up each day feeling grateful for my life and joyfully anticipating my day. Feeling free! I didn’t always feel this way though. There were many periods in my life that I dreaded a new day. Not wanting to wake up. Being pissed off that I had woken up at all! I was one of the “walking dead”. I did things because I…

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Feeling Challenged?

By Personal Growth 7 Comments

 Why is is that we seem to feel ashamed when we are being challenged in our lives? As if we  “shouldn’t” have problems? I’ve noticed It seems to be even more challenging the smarter and more successful we become. We feel we “should”: … know better … be able to handle it alone … not even be feeling the way we feel! These judgements often cause us to withdraw and not want to talk about what’s going on, even with our…

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Feeling “Wonky” too?

By Personal Growth 7 Comments

Note: I define “Wonky” as feeling “off”; experiencing rapid  and unusual shifts in  mood and energy levels. I’ve been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster for the past 24 hours or so. It started about 4:30 pm yesterday. I was having a great day. I had had sessions with 3 different clients in the morning. They are all making great progress in their journey of creating a life that is joyful and meaningful for them and had lots…

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Opening Up To New Possibilities

By Business Growth, Personal Growth 6 Comments

I was introduced to a tool called ‘Access Consciousness’ sometime ago by a friend. It is a simple but profound technique that asks different questions to make us aware of what we think, feel and believe. They then use a ‘clearing statement’ to change our point of view, thereby allowing us to create a different experience or outcome. It made sense to me as I have long believed that we create our reality by what we choose to think, believe…

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5 Reasons to Love Your Body Just the Way it is (And how you can start if you don’’t!)

By Personal Growth 3 Comments

Your body is your home! It’’s where you live. Like it or not, it’s the only one you’’ve got.  It’’s with you all the time, so it really suits to to find a way to love it. Just like your physical house, if you don’’t love it you’’ll be less likely to have friends over and you certainly aren’’t going to show it off! You also aren’’t as likely to spend money on it, or fix it up, and in the…

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The Right-ness of You

By Personal Growth 8 Comments

Growing up, whenever I did something that did not meet the expectations of someone else I heard “What’s WRONG with you?” (I cringe when I think how many times I’ve said this to my own children!!!) In my work, I often help my clients clear blocks to their success by shifting their mindset (beliefs they have about themselves, life and what is possible for them, that they may not be aware of, and that are not in alignment with who…

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The POWER of choice

By Personal Growth, Uncategorized 11 Comments

I  “suffered” with bouts of depression for most of my teenage years and on and off through my 20’s, 30’s and early 40’s. What I now understand is that my depression was simply anger turned inward.  I happened to be angry for all kinds of reasons: because I didn’t get the attention I wanted; I was made to do things I really didn’t want to and made to feel quite powerless; I was told how I “should” be, or that how…

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Creating a life YOU love!

By Personal Growth, Uncategorized 3 Comments

What would you attempt to be, do or have if you knew that you were guaranteed to be successful?                                                                         And who decides what success is anyway? I’ve been thinking about how many times in my life I have allowed fear (False Evidence Appearing Real)…

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Feeling Thankful…

By Personal Growth, Uncategorized One Comment

  Today is my Mothers 82nd birthday! I feel truly blessed to still have her around. I am even more grateful for the roads we have travelled to get here today! We read the same books, enjoy talking about life, spirituality  and health. It wasn’t always this way… At one point we lived in the same house and hardly spoke to each other for about a year… I thought she was controlling and manipulative, she thought I was heading down…

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Toxic Niceness

By Personal Growth, Uncategorized One Comment

Our beliefs inform our actions and choices at a deep, unconscious level. Most of these beliefs are formed between 5-7 yrs of age. For example, we’re taught from a very early age that being nice is a virtue. From the time we were infants, our parents told us to “be nice”, to be polite, to share, and to be considerate and kind. we develop an internal frame of reference (belief) about how a “good/nice” person thinks and behaves. For the most part, it’s…

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