Consistency. Something the creative being in me has resisted and wrestled with most of my life. It goes along with the word discipline, which for a long time felt like a straight jacket – restrictive and stifling – because I associated it with being forced to do things I didn’t want to do (usually because they were hard or I didn’t understand why I had to do them).. As I have aged and matured I have learned the valuable role…
Often times we get stuck in a negative situation because we avoid ranting and raving and expressing our outrage. There are many things that condition us to avoid expressing or honoring our extreme feelings of anger and rage. – You may have have created pain and suffering for yourself or others in the past when you expressed your anger and hurt. – Or you may have experienced being on the receiving end of someone else’s rage and it felt intimidating…
Have you ever found yourself puzzled by your reaction (or over reaction) to a situation? Where your response to a person or a situation seems out of proportion to the incident or uncharacteristic for you? Or maybe you are just puzzled by why you keep procrastinating around doing something that you really want to do! (Like keeping those New Years resolutions you set and don’t keep every year!) It can be so frustrating when you know better and don’t do…
I remember when my kids were young there was so much excitement surrounding the Christmas holidays! The energy of anticipation for the presents they had grown accustomed to receiving became palpable as Christmas Day drew closer. My mother, a devoted Christian, was disgusted by the consumerism and expressed despair at the lack of focus on the true meaning of Christmas! She felt the children lacked appreciation for what they were receiving because it was so much! They would open a…
Anxiety is something most people have experienced at some point in their life. Unfortunately, too many people live with it constantly. It can range in intensity from a slight nervousness and muscle tension, to a gripping sensation and nausea in the pit of your stomach and having difficulty taking a deep breath. It can present as an inability to sit still, or just a general feeling of being stressed and overwhelmed. It makes it hard to relax and can actually…
There are a million ways to say no. Being able to say no in a direct, comfortable, empowered way is one of the most important tools in to simplifying your life. Discomfort with saying no causes many people to not speak their truth, say yes when they really want to say no, or avoid communicating about something altogether! This is a very disempowered way of saying no, creates unnecessary complications and often takes us out of integrity. One of the…
I’ve noticed that the older I get, the faster time seems to pass! Why is that? And even more importantly, how can we slow it down? Well, I just read a fascinating piece that shares how we can manipulate our lives to slow down the experience of time passing. (Ready for some magic and miracles?!!) Neuroscientist David Eagleman studied the matter and found that the sense of time passing is dictated by how much information you’re processing. The more “new”…

Can you believe its October already? I have no idea where the summer went! It seems it was just the end of July! I had minor surgery at the end of July to remove a lipoma (fatty growth) from my upper arm. I had it removed almost 20 years ago and it grew back. I decided to get it removed again after a serendipitous conversation with a friend who works in the radiation department at a local hospital. She mentioned…

We live in a world where many people are struggling to make ends meet. The perception of not enough is constantly reenforced. We tell ourselves we don’t have enough … time, money, sleep, love etc. It’s interesting, because when we are so focused on lack (not enough) we are unable to perceive, receive and enjoy the abundance that we actually DO have! We walk around closed off, completely unaware of how we block the abundance that is here for us….
I consider a ‘Million Dollar Life’ to be one where you not only have the money to live where and how you are comfortable and fund the activities you enjoy, but to have a level of joy and contentment with who you are and what you have. To have a sense of peace within yourself. In order to have a happy life, you have to include the things that make you happy. In order to have a life of passion…