I’m a lover. I LOVE feeling loved and I want everyone to experience LOVE. Don’t you? (for some reason my husband thinks this is a problem. Lol!). It might well be, because when I am experiencing any kind of conflict it really hurts my heart. I’ve been embroiled in a conflict with someone for the past month and it all came to a head this past week. I’m sharing the “Red Flags” and my “Insights” in the hope it will help you reflect…
One Febuary morning a few years ago I had an urge to change the decor in my office. I felt like I wanted more color in the space and the accumulated clutter was starting to annoy me. It was just a niggling thought that crossed my mind like a whisper in the wind. You know, one of those “I should really…” thoughts that don’t feel urgent so they go unaddressed. Then, towards the end of April, I was at a…

Everyone has money shame. No matter how much money you make or where you come from, everyone has money shame. Everyone. There are so many untruths we tell ourselves about money. “I’m just not good with money.” “I totally screwed up, made a mess, and now I can’t go back.” “This guilt and anxiety I feel is because of the money I have/don’t have”. “I should be better at managing money by now!” “I don’t deserve to have so much…

“Let money be the sign from the universe that you are creating value for other people, not the measuring stick of your success or status in society.” ~ Tim Dennings, Author It’s so easy to get caught in a rut of trying to make as much money as possible. Don’t get me wrong – money is a fantastic resource. But when we get stuck in the trap of making money for the sake of making money it can get in…

Does talking about money make you feel uncomfortable? Do you avoid thinking about, or looking at your money because it stresses you out? You’re not alone! It’s almost impossible to not interact with money on an every day basis, which makes it virtually impossible to ignore. Money is one of the best ways for your spirit to get your attention. If you have unresolved issues that need to be healed, they will show up in your money. Your relationship with…