Back in September 2020, I saw an invitation to an in person retreat in Sedona, Arizona posted on a FB group of which I’m a member. Curious, I clicked on the link to the info page and my whole body lit up with a desire to go. Mind you, I only barely knew the guy who posted it. We had met briefly at an A-Fest event in Italy 3 years ago. He had left quite an impression on me though….
One Febuary morning a few years ago I had an urge to change the decor in my office. I felt like I wanted more color in the space and the accumulated clutter was starting to annoy me. It was just a niggling thought that crossed my mind like a whisper in the wind. You know, one of those “I should really…” thoughts that don’t feel urgent so they go unaddressed. Then, towards the end of April, I was at a…
The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, improved health, peak performance in sports and business, a higher sense of well-being, and a faster rate of recovery from surgery. While we may acknowledge gratitude’s many benefits, it still can be difficult to sustain. So many of us are conditioned to notice what is broken, undone or…
By Matthew Gordon-Martin Focus is a word that I’ve heard constantly since the age of 5. If you are like me and have an inner rebellious spirit, then it is the word that you’ve deviously made your enemy. If not, then its the word you’ve been playing with off and on, maybe as a friend who you engage with whenever it suits you but not a best friend who’s integrated into all aspects of your life. I was taught that focus…
By Brandon Clarkson of Helen MacMillan Coaching We’ve all got to that point before, that realization that things feel stagnant, unmoving, unchanging. Nothing feels inspiring – with your motivation and energy levels suffering as a result and it’s usually a creative’s biggest roadblock. I’ve personally felt like it for weeks, maybe even months. As soon as Covid hung up its coat and promised that it was here to stay, I could feel all the energy I had for life slowly…

What, courageous one, do you desire at the very core of your being? If you could clear the clutter in your mind to access your core desire, first you would have to see the clutter to be able to clear it out of the way. But even before clearing your mind, you would need the intention, the desire, to reach that core place within yourself. Healing yourself at your core requires the desire to do so. It’s not enough to…
I have a pretty awesome connection to my Soul. I seek guidance from that aspect of myself that has all wisdom, knowledge and understanding – what I call my “Higher Self”. During a healing session with my hypnotherapist about 18 months ago, I was told very clearly by my guides to “get a dog”. My very strong and immediate reaction was “hell no!”. I conveniently forgot about it until late last year when I began having trouble connecting with my…
It’s been hard – no, impossible – to “go back to normal”. … Since the US elections a few weeks ago … Since my dear friend lost her son in a plane crash 2 weeks ago … Since my cousins kidney transplant last week Sometimes there is an (unrealistic) expectation that after a life altering event we get to grieve for a while and then things will “go back to normal”. They don’t. Here’s what does happen: Life moves forward….
Being in the void is about surrender and trust. Trusting the Universe/God/Source to support you and guide you, and trusting yourself to interpret the signals/directions correctly. You have to let go of where you have been so you can embrace where you are going. It’s an opportunity for a quantum leap. A jump vs making small, sequential steps. Honing your ability to trust your intuition – your inner GPS – is essential. On Sunday I made the choice to…
I have a very intimate relationship with failure. I fail at something every day. I am more aware of it now simply because I have made peace with my inner critic and I have a no negative self talk policy. (It’s not that I don’t have negative/critical thoughts about myself, it’s that I don’t entertain them once I am aware.) This allows me to gently redirect myself when I become aware that I have gotten distracted from the task at…