

Finding your Joy, when ‘the going gets tough’

By Awareness, Clarity, experiences, Focus, Happiness, perspective, SHIFT No Comments

I’m here in California snuggling with my 3 month old grand daughter, Emilia. As I sink my nose into her neck, deeply inhaling that oh-so-sweet baby smell, I am deeply grateful to finally hold her in my arms. My heart is filled with joy! It was a 5 hour plane ride to get here. Traveling in the “time of Covid” is quite an adventure.  Like every great adventure: It involves taking risks; opening yourself up to new experiences and possibilities,…

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The Power of Presence

By Awareness, Happiness, Personal Growth, Self Care No Comments

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” ― Lao Tzu What is “Presence”?We define presence as being fully aware of what is happening with yourself – and whoever or whatever you are interacting with – in the present moment. Having all of your attention and awareness focused on what is going on in any given moment…

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Yesterday My Fear Immobilized Me

By Awareness, Business Growth, Happiness, Healing, Love, mindshift, Personal Growth, Self Care, Success No Comments

Yesterday, I spent the entire day in bed watching movies and playing games on my iPad. I listened to a whole book in the morning (fiction). I skipped exercise class. I didn’t run my client payments that were due. I told myself. “It’s ok to take today off and rest”. “You work hard”. “Relax and take it easy”. “You deserve this!”, as I massaged the growing tension and pain in my right hip and lower back. This morning, I sat…

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The ONE Thing That Changes EVERYTHING!

By Awareness, Business Growth, Happiness, mindshift, Personal Growth, Self Care, Success No Comments

As we stand at the beginning of another year, it is tempting to get swept up in the narrative of “New Year. New You!” And all the changes you are going to “Make 2020 your best year yet!”. Truth be told, it can get overwhelming really fast when you start to try to make big changes or change too many things at once. As someone who has transformed my own life and reinvented myself many times I can certainly attest…

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The Power Of Gratitude

By Abundance, Happiness, Power No Comments

The Thanksgiving holiday that we celebrate here in the USA this week is all about consciously taking time to appreciate all that you have – especially the relationships with the people in your life. I have had a daily gratitude practice for many years now. At times it has fallen by the wayside as I have taken it for granted – as we sometimes do with the things (and people) that are most familiar to us. I am grateful when…

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Relationship Lessons learned on the tennis court

By Awareness, Happiness, Love, Personal Growth No Comments

Last week I went to play tennis with my husband and son. We were playing “French Tennis” – 2 against 1. My husband and I on one side as a team against our athletic, super fit, 20 year old college student. I have been excited to get back on the tennis court as I used to play regularly when I was in my 30’s, but haven’t played in years. Last winter I noticed the tennis courts across from our complex…

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Savoring It All

By Business Growth, Happiness, Personal Growth, Self Care, Success No Comments

I’ve spent the last 2 weeks slowing down. Coming down off the high of yet another successful transformational event. Facilitating people finding their voices, releasing old limiting beliefs and stepping into new possibilities for themselves. Inviting them to choose from love vs fear and desire vs obligation. I came to Jamaica to visit with family and sink my energetic roots deep into the country of my birth. I realized many moons ago this is necessary for me to do at…

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The Things We Run From

By Awareness, Business Growth, Happiness, Healing, mindshift, Personal Growth, Power, Success No Comments

Have you ever noticed how much time and money we spend distracting ourselves? The multi-billion dollar “entertainment industry” solely exists to cater to this desire. God forbid we should feel bored, disappointed, confused, angry, sad, afraid, or overwhelmed (which is simply a cluster of unidentified emotions). In the space of ‘doing nothing’ we are confronted with our thoughts and emotions and our unwillingness to be with them. It can be downright scary to sit with or face the aspects ourselves…

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10 Simple Things You Can Start Doing Today that Will Make You Feel Happier

10 Simple Things You Can Start Doing Today that Will Make You Feel Happier

By Happiness No Comments

“She remembered who she was and the game changed.” ~ Lalah Deliah Life is happening right now, in the present. Too many of us put our dreams and happiness on hold for another day, but if you want to make positive changes to be happier, TODAY IS THE DAY! Taking care of yourself is critical. Afterall, how can you truly be a benefit to others if you are running on an empty tank? Want to know where to get started?…

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10 Research-Based Reasons Compassion is Transformative

10 Research-Based Reasons Compassion is Transformative

By Happiness, Success No Comments

“The formula for true success includes being consistent, courageous, clear, compassionate and focused.” ~ Helen MacMillan Compassion may be the single most important attribute for achieving success and happiness in your life. There are many research-based findings that bear this out. Here is what science has learned that backs up what we already know in our heart. Compassion makes us happy – as happy as receiving money! Jordan Grafman, Neuroscientist at the National Institute of Health found that pleasure centers…

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